Outrage is an understatement....
My heart goes out to these families searching for answers and getting STONEWALLED by Obama...
Barack Husein Obama refuses a Judge Ordered Court subpoena on murder of Seal Six Team now in 2015.

The Obama administration is violating a judge’s order to turn over 
documents in the Aug. 6, 2011, shoot down of a U.S. helicopter — call 
sign Extortion 17 — that killed members of The Elite SEAL Team 6 in 
Afghanistan (the same Seal Team SIX WHO 93 days earlier killed Osama Bin
Laden) - official reports came in to immediate family members such as 
Charles Strange - there was an ambush waiting and intelligence officers 
at that time knew they were sending a over stuffed and antiquated (old) 
Chinook helicopter into hostile territory with no air support. The eye 
in the sky turned off for ten mins during the single lucky shot by an 
RPG attack (so they reported), no black box was recovered- it reportedly
washed away in a flash flood. All the bodies were cremated without 
consent of the family members. Obama offered Charles Strange his 
personal word in person he would investigate this very deep. As of 
August 15, 2015, the Washington Times reports the Obama administration 
is stonewalling a complete investigation and refusing a judge’s order to
turn over documents related to the deaths and circumstances of the 
incident. According to the 
Washington times article, "It has now been four years since Extortion 17
was shot down,” said Doug Hamburger, whose Army air crew son, Patrick, 
was one of the 30 Americans killed. “I find it quite disturbing that the
government is not willing to give us the answers we deserve. I find it 
very irritating that we will not question the Afghans about their 
knowledge of what took place that night. Family members are 
hoping Freedom Watch, a watchdog legal group led by Larry Klayman, can 
force new disclosures using the power of the FOIA process.
filing a lawsuit, Mr. Klayman says, he has been “stonewalled” by the 
Justice Department, the Defense Department, the CIA and the National 
Security Agency." Charles Strange and many of the other family 
members are calling to the media to shed light on this story. The daily 
harassment and phone tapping, computer viruses and surveillance of these
family members seeking answers is continuing today. They are 
continually being followed by black SUVs and believe their homes have 
been entered illegally. SEE:…
These families need to be interviewed now- by the press so EVERYONE 
knows what is happening and how these heroes are being ignored.
I am willing to help in anyway I can. 
Thank you. Sincerely,

John Massaria.


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