Still Report #537 - The Real Ted Cruz! Must See

I have permission of the owner of the inserted video to use it. See:
Link to Breitbart story:

The more I look into Ted Cruz, the more convinced I become that he is a complete phony – a manufactured politician under the guidance of his wife’s current employers – investment bank Goldman-Sachs.

My opinion: Ted Cruz is The most dangerous man in Congress today. Why THE most dangerous? Because he is brilliant and THE most schooled in deception. He will say anything, do anything to become President of the United States. He is literally Barrack Hussein Obama’s chosen Republican replacement.

There is some sort of alliance with Glenn Beck that I haven’t figured out yet, but at this point, I get in so many tips that within a few more days, the truth will come out.

I sought and got permission to run the following video “Who is the Real Ted Cruz?” courtesy of its owner Niskey of Niskey TV who communicates via the Twitter handle: @niskeytv.
Here is the link giving me permission to run his 4 min 48 second video.

At the end of this, I’ll provide a link to another site that documents the flip-flopping Cruz has done – the very thing Marco Rubio did such a good job of revealing in the last Republican debate. 
[insert Niskey]

To my Christian friends: I know Cruz talks a good game. Until now, he was my 2nd choice, but now I realize that that’s all for show. Probably Rubio is now my second pick, since Huckabee wouldn’t add anything to a Trump ticket.

Cruz is a guy who can “fool the very elect.” If you want a Christian candidate to vote for in Iowa, go for Mike Huckabee, in whom I find no fault. His tax plan is the best. The only problem is that even if Trump was not in the race, for whatever combination of factors, the Huck is unelectable in today’s atmosphere. That’s a sad commentary, but seems to be the case. But, Huck is a great pick for a cabinet post, and there is no shame in that.

Finally, here is the TinyURL link to a Breitbart story entitled: “Ted Cruz Visits Border to Welcome Illegal Alien Families…” 
What?! I thought Cruz was against illegal aliens. That’s exactly the point! There is a concise list of Cruz flip-flops at the end of this story, and don’t forget to watch the video at the very end of Cruz and his wife practicing a TV pitch for your money that is very interesting.

I’m still reporting from Washington. Good day.



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