Donna Brazile shreds Palin: Blaming Obama for Track’s assault charge is ‘a damn lie’

CNN political commentator Donna Brazile lit into Sarah Palin on Wednesday, taking the former Alaska governor to task for trying to pin her son’s domestic violence arrest on President Barack Obama.

“You have known me for a long time, so I’m just gonna say it: she’s a liar,” Brazile told host Anderson Cooper. “That’s a damn lie.”

Brazile noted that the Republican-controlled House cut more than $1.4 billion in funding that Obama had intended to be used for veterans’ services.

“I care for all veterans — I am the daughter of a veteran,” she continued. “And to go out there and to insinuate that the president of the United States is trying to hurt veterans when in fact he is trying to put more resources so that we can give our young and old veterans the care we need, that’s just a damn lie. You can say Donna Brazile said it. I approve this message.”

Police in Wasila, Alaska arrested Track Palin on Monday — a day before his mother publicly endorsed Donald Trump — and charged him with assault and possession of a firearm while intoxicated. His girlfriend accused the younger Palin of punching her in the head.

The former vice-presidential candidate responded to the arrest on Wednesday by saying that her son came back from his military service “hardened,” and was one of many service members “wondering” if they were even respected.

Brazile’s fellow contributor Jeffrey Lord — a Trump supporter — argued that Palin was actually trying to bring to light the issues plaguing the Veterans’ Administration Bureau.

“Of course [Track Palin] should be held responsible for his own personal behavior,” Lord argued. “But we have been told time and time and time again that there is a serious problem within the VA treating veterans. And I think that’s the point she’s trying to make.”

“Drink the water, Jeff” Brazile replied. “Drink the water.”


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